Friday 18 March 2011

Dr who quotes cybermen The Tenth Planet

Polly: Don't you care?!
Cyberman: Caaare? Noooo, why shoooould I caaare?
Polly: Because they're people and they're going to die!
Cyberman: I dooo not understand you, there aaare people dying all over your world yet youuuu do not caaare about them.
Cyberman: Anyone whoooo moves wiill beeee killed iiinnstantly.
Barclay: Who, or what are you?
Cyberman: We are called Cybeeermen.
Barclay: Cybermen?
Cyberman: Yes, Cybermen. We were exactly like youuu once, but our cybernetic scientists realised that our race was getting weak.
Barclay: Weak?? How?
Cyberman: Our life span was getting shooorter, so our scientists and doctors devised spare parts for our bodies until we could be almost coooompletely reeplaced.
Polly: But that means you're not like us! You're robots!
Cyberman: Our brains aaare just liike yours, except thaat cerrtain weeeaknesses have beeen reeemoved.
Barclay: Weaknesses? What weaknesses?
Cyberman: You call them eeemotions, do you not?
Polly: But, that's terrible! You mean you wouldn't care about someone in pain?!
Cyberman: There would be no need. We do not feel pain.

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