Monday 7 March 2011

Dr who quotes Daleks Remembrance of the Daleks

Imperial Dalek: You are the Doctor! You are the enemy of the Daleks! You will be exterminated! Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!
Imperial Dalek: Small human female sighted on level three!
Ace: Who are you calling small!? 
Imperial Dalek: Prepare for shuttle docking.
Imperial Dalek Emperor: Lock the Hand of Omega into the control circuit.
Imperial Dalek: Omega device is now locked in and running.
The Doctor: Hello, hello, hello. Dalek mothership. Come in please, come in please!
The Doctor: Ah... There you are. This is the Doctor, president elect of the High Council of Time Lords, Keeper of the Legacy of Rassilon, Defender of the Laws of Time, Protector of Gallifrey. I call upon you to surrender the Hand of Omega and return to your customary time and place!
Imperial Dalek Emperor: Ah, Doctor. You have changed again. Your appearance is as inconstant as your intelligence. You have confounded me for the last time!
The Doctor: Davros. I should have known. I see you've discarded the last vestige of your human form. It's still no improvement.
Davros: Save your insults for the weak-minded, Doctor.
The Doctor: Will you return the Hand of Omega or not?!
Davros: Are you threatening me? If so, it is most unwise.
The Doctor: Every time our paths have crossed, I have defeated you.
Davros:You flatter yourself, Doctor! in the end, you are merely another Time Lord!
The Doctor: Oh, Davros. I am far more than just another Time Lord.
The Doctor: Davros, the Hand of Omega is not to be trifled with!
Davros: I think I am quite capiable of handling the technology.
The Doctor: I sincerely doubt that.
Davros: Does it worry you, Doctor... that with it, I will transform Skaro's sun into a source of unimaginable power?! And with that power at my disposal, the Daleks shall sweep away Gallifrey, and its impotent quorum of Time Lords! The Daleks shall become Lords of Time! We shall become all...
The Doctor: ... Powerful! Crush the lesser races! Conquer the galaxy! Unimaginable power! Unlimited rice pudding! Et cetera! Et cetera!
Davros: Do not anger me Doctor! I can destroy you! And this miserable, insignificant planet!
The Doctor: Oh, wonderful! What power! What brilliance! You can wipe out the odd civilisation and enslave the occasional culture, but it still won't detract from the basic fundimental truth of your own impotence!
Davros: I will teach you the folly of your words, Doctor! I will destroy you, and demonstrate the power of the Daleks!

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