Sunday 6 March 2011

Dr who quotes Daleks Revelation of the Daleks

The Doctor: I see you've been busy.
Davros: Whereas you have been stupid, Doctor.
The Doctor: Prerogative of a Time Lord. Where's Peri?
Davros: Safe... for the time being.
The Doctor: I'm surprised to see you. The last time we met, your ship blew up. I thought with you on board.
Davros: Not when there is an escape pod to be had.
The Doctor: Or a lift by a transporter to this place.
Davros: Ah, there I was fortunate
The Doctor: I liked the statue, by the way. Very good likeness. Though, really, you shouldn't have bothered.
Davros: As for the news of Stengos' death, it was all part of my scheme to lure you here.
The Doctor: All very clever. Apart form a little grave-robbing, what else have you been up to?
Davros: You cannot steal what has already been abandoned. No one is interested in the people here.
The Doctor: That's not what I've heard.
Davros: As your grave-robbing friends have now been exterminated, you will not hear the complaint again!
The Doctor: Do you never do anything but kill?
Davros: There you are mistaken, Doctor. I am known as the Great Healer. A somewhat flippant title, perhaps, but not without foundation. I have conquered the diseases that brought their victims here. In every way, I have complied with the wishes of those who came in anticipation of one day being returned to life
The Doctor: But never, in their worst nightmares, did any of them expect to come back... as Daleks!
The Doctor: Did you ever bother to tell anyone that they might be eating their own dead relatives?
Davros: Certainly not! That would have created what I believe is termed "consumer resistance". They were grateful for the food. It allowed them to go on living.
The Doctor: Until you take over their planets?
Davros: Precisely.
Davros: Such a foolish waste of energy!
The Doctor: No 'arm in trying.
Davros: When you become a Dalek, you will suffer for every indignity you have ever caused me!
The Doctor: Ah, there you are. They went that way.
Imperial Dalek: You will come with us!
Davros: A box of delight... or a box of hate.
Dalek: You must surrender. The Earth woman must come with us. It is futile to resist!
Imperial Dalek: You will be taken back to Skaro to stand trial for crimes against the Daleks!
Takis: This used to be a good place before you came. I enjoyed working here. Once you've gone, it will be a good place again.
The Doctor: I wouldn't be too certain of that. You'll be lucky to be alive at the end of this.
Takis: But they're going to destroy Davros' Daleks.
Imperial Dalek: They will not be destroyed! They will be reconditioned to obey the will of the Supreme Dalek!

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