Tuesday 19 April 2011

Doctor Who: Matt Smith's US diary

Wednesday 16 November 2010, Valley of the Gods, Utah

I arrive later than Karen and Arthur [Darvill], because I had to go on Craig Ferguson's Late Late Show in LA. He's such a huge fan. He was so welcoming. I think it's the most fun I've ever had on a chat show.

Everyone in LA tells me there's nothing here in Utah. It's pitch black, so I can't see. I just feel the long road lull as we wind through endless American desert. Utah has to wait till morning.

And boom - from my motel, I look out and see the red-coloured desert, and I'm in awe. It's majestic. I go get pancakes. Karen is on the make-up wagon. "Oh my God, oh my God, it's amaaazzzing," she buzzes. I agree.

As the day winds on and we bemoan our jetlag, I'm excited about this afternoon. Karen is being chased by a helicopter, and we have big black stately cars kicking up the dusty desert in a chase. This is where Forrest Gump stopped running, where Indiana Jones found the Temple of Doom, and now where the Doctor faces his darkest hour.

But for now - I'm sprawled on the bonnet of the coolest car [a bright red 1959 Edsel Villager Station Wagon], wearing a Stetson. Yeah, the Doctor wears a Stetson now. Stetsons are totally cool.

It was my idea to lie on the car, by the way. The script said the Doctor was leaning against it, but the Doctor is always leaning, it's such a Doctor thing to do, so I thought, "A car this cool? I have to lie on it!" To my surprise, they didn't say no.


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