Wednesday 13 April 2011

MTV Geek Interview: Matt Smith Talks Doctor Who!

On the relationship between Amy Pond and The Doctor:

"The Doctor will always love Amy, but he loves her the way you would a friend, a best friend."

"I think the Doctor loves Amy Pond, he's capable of loving people, but he's an alien...he doesn't see love in the conventional way we see it."

On the new villain, The Silence:

"I think The Silence is one of the greatest monsters in Who history!"

On the essential quality of what makes Doctor Who great:

"The great thing about Doctor Who is that you can jump into Episode 6 of Season 6, and the fundamental storytelling is the same: a madman comes along and saves the day with a toaster and a piece of string."

On the uniqueness of the Doctor role:

"It's a bit like Hamlet: every actor has a different version."

On returning for Season Seven:

"I don't know, I'm going to sit down and see with Mr. Moffat what happens after this particular season. I'd certainly like to come back, but…we have to wait and see I guess. Watch this space."

On reaching out to American audiences:

"We really think that Doctor Who is a universal idea -- so we hope that people in the States pick it up and enjoy it!"


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