Tuesday 7 June 2011

Den of geek's Doctor Who series 6: the loose threads still to resolve

Here are two questions we would all like to know

Yes, yes. She's Melody Pond, and in turn, she's Amy daughter. That, though, also suggests that she's Rory's daughter, too. But is it that straightforward? Where does she fit into the Doctor's life, for starters? Were they married? Were they in love? How come the Doctor hadn't been able to piece everything together some time back?

Also, is River Song under someone's control? Is she, ultimately, friend or foe? Is she a Time Lord, and can she really regenerate, or is the regeneration we saw at the end of Day Of The Moon a ‘healing' regeneration, rather than the full monty?

We'll be coming to River again shortly.


The simple answer that was strongly suggested in A Good Man Goes To War is that this is because Melody was conceived whilst Rory and Amy were on the Tardis. It's quite likely that Melody is the first child ever to be conceived in the Tardis, and that's likely to have some ramification to it.

The other options? Well, there's the unresolved issue of The Silence, and we wonder if they have something to do with it. Let's not forget that the mystery of Amy herself is far from solved. The Silence took her for a period of time, and then she returned (or didn't, as it happened), and it's assumed that they've had some part in all of this. But what? We'll be coming to that later, too.

For the sake of completeness, we should throw up the possibility that Melody is the Doctor's child, but we do think that theory is a non-starter. Not least because it'd put the Daily Mail in a very, very bad mood. Which would be just terrible.

You can read More of them at Den of geek

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