Sunday 5 June 2011

Doctor who - Series 6 - River Song, Melody pond, The Spacesuit girl - Theory

At the end of A good man goes to war Baby Melody pond/river song has been taken to earth in the 60s (where she would live in the children's home) but where she was put in to a spacesuit when she was a child (so she would be the spacesuit girl from the impossible astronaut and day of the moon) making her into a weapon. That would make her be the one to kill the doctor (because the reason she's in prison for is that she killed a good man) so the good man could be the doctor. And when river shoots at the spacesuit girl going back into the water River says “of course not” knowing that she didn't die in the spacesuit.

Also with River having time lord DNA and if she is the child who was in the spacesuit and the child regenerated at the end of Day of the moon that would make her a full time lord/lady right?

But another thing why wouldn't river remember being in the spacesuit while she was looking at it in day of the moon? Is it that time can be rewritten. Could it be that some time lines are messed up in different ways?

Edit there is also the girl that was sowing in a good man goes to war if you rewatch the episode look at what she is sowing and then look at what River is showing amy at the end of the episode


  1. Couple of thoughts. I agree about the big question as to why River wouldn't remember being in the spacesuit and shooting The Doctor if it was indeed her. I'm not convinced it was... it could all yet turn out to be a major trick on the audience.

    Secondly... if Melody has gone anywhere, I don't think it is to the 60's... yet. Remember that the Doctor has yet to encounter that girl from the clerics for (her) first time... in the Forest. We know that Melody was in the Forest at some point because of the name cloth that was made there and from River's closing dialogue.

    But it could all be smoke and mirrors at our expense... River could have lied to Rory at the beginning, and isn't it curious that the script on the cot wasn't revealed to us... was that really just because it's in the original High Gallifreyan or is there a narrative reason beyond that? The Doctor and River's conversation didn't strictly reveal anything . Finally, remember the TARDIS DID translate High Gallifreyan before... on the oldest cliff top in the universe. It could all be misdirection. I'm well excited and nervous and anxious for what is to come.

  2. Hmm perhaps with the bit i said about time lines being messed up... probaly why River woudn't remember being in the spacesuit.

    I still think that she has been taken to the 60s because it was set there in The impossible astronaut and day of the moon

    And also in day of the moon i forgot to say that River said when she was shooting at the silence and then finished the doctor and amy were in the tardis and rory came out

    "I hope my old man didn't see that" hinting that Rory was her dad :)

    I think the script on the cot was the doctor's name.... and no one knows his real name and i don't think they would reveal the name EVER so that's probaly why it didn't translate his name

  3. All of this could be. The one thing I can't make sense of is how Melody/River/Spacesuit Girl could regerenate in the alleyway, but River didn't regenerate when we first met her and she sacrificed herself in the library.

    Giving her life to save the Doctor might have all been about penance knowing that she has kille him/will kill him - morally balancing things. But practically, why not regenerate?

    We saw the Doctor starting to regerenate but not having time to do so, so if that's what it is there should've been some sign of it with River too - I guess.

  4. River didn't regenerate because she couldn't. She said in Silence of the Library, when criticizing the Doctor's plan (to allow CAL use of his memory space), "It'll kill you stone dead. You'll burn up both your hearts and don't think you'll regenerate." There's also the line, "You wouldn't have a chance and neither do I!"

  5. but, river in't a full time lord. and like the doctors daughter/clone, she might regenerate much slower or differently. also, she was vaporised wasn't she? and that would destroy her completely without a chance to regenerate?

  6. It could just be that River didn't forget but knows that it has to happen the way it happened before. In "Good Man", she refuses to go with Rory initially because she knows what happened and has to go later after the battle. That's just River's way ("NO SPOILERS, BITCH!" -River Song). In addition, space-suit girl definitely is River and that is why she is jail. She killed him, that's pretty much for sure. What's really unusual is Why did the Doctor go along with it? Maybe because he thought it was supposed to happen too? Also, Canton Everett Delaware III is probably going to come back. Why would the Doctor trust him with a letter to come to his funeral if CED3 wasn't someone he trusted? But, why did the Silence have the girl? Why did so many enemies of the Doctor refer to the Silence "falling"? Or, was that a different "silence"? What makes the fall of the Silence so important? It may have been notable because that is when MP/RS was able to escape from the suit (Timelords are somewhat stronger than the average human), thus releasing River Song upon the universe and changing many things. But, why did the Doctor's TARDIS explode? Did Madame Kovarian make that happen? Or, did River? If it was River, why doesn't she remember, and why is she always helping the Doctor if she was raised to defeat him? On a similar note, the Pandorica was the highlight of last season, and it was a device to stop the Doctor, placed throughout Time in fairytales so that he would notice it and come to it out of sheer curiosity. The same can be said of River Pond- or Melody Song...whatever! Anyway, River Song is a human/artificial-Timelord. And, maybe by getting the Doctor to love her, she will stop him from being a "warrior"? And, that's something that didn't really fit for me. I don't think that Madame K is in the right, I think she's just another frightened enemy. The problem is with all of this that, unless they have a pretty good answer to all these questions, the plot involving MP/RS is going to seem pretty much just tacked on and smooshed together. The science doesn't have to make sense. Languages don't have to be real, and the Doctor can always win, sure. But, if Moffat and his predecessors keep forging timestream plots that don't make sense and glossing over the problems with "timey-wimey" explanations, they're going to start losing some of their fanbase to better-written serials.

  7. The reason River sacrificed herself in the Library was because she said that if The Doctor did, it would destroy both his hearts - making it impossible to regenerate.

    She's imprisoned for killing a 'good man' - perhaps her sacrifice was in return for her killing him?

    Perhaps she does realise shes the one who kills the doctor but her going back the the time she did it and her trying to shoot her child self was an atempt at voiding her existance - so the event couldn't have happened... ?

    What I want to know... is when did river work out amy and rory were her parents... ?

  8. When River says, "I hope my old man didn't see that", it doesn't refer to Rory. It refers to The Doctor (I.e. her boyfriend, her man) who doesn't use weapons and therefore wouldn't approve of her using a weapon.

    "old man" and "old lady" are slang terms for "boyfriend" and "girlfriend".

  9. the doctor who is killed by the space girl is his ganger, our doctor said the personality could survive the destruction of the flesh. River could not open the suit without additional timelord life force, the same timelord life force that caused her regeneration in the alley way.

  10. 1 reason why river coudn't regenerate in silence in the libary is when the doctor is allowing CAL to get free memory space river is shouting at the doctor saying that it will kill him stone and he wont regenerate that's probaly why River didn't regenerate but she didn't know that he saved her.

    "Anonymous said...

    When River says, "I hope my old man didn't see that", it doesn't refer to Rory. It refers to The Doctor (I.e. her boyfriend, her man) who doesn't use weapons and therefore wouldn't approve of her using a weapon.

    "old man" and "old lady" are slang terms for "boyfriend" and "girlfriend"." <<< I actually didn't know that thank you

    I think now that the doctor ganger could come back in the final and could be the doctor who dies but i also think it's not

    and how river/melody as a little girl got out the spacesuit is probaly some powers (or something) she gets from that women who has her as a baby now.

    but it also maybe her time lord life force

    I also think that the rest of series 6 the doctor could be looking for her as a baby and in the final leading in to series 7 he finds her as a child and she's stronger than she was a baby because she been told to kill the doctor and probably made to think it's all the doctor's fault

  11. Actually, old man and old lady are slang for husband and wife :)

  12. Actually, 'my old man' can be either a father or a husband! It completely depends on the context and this one phrase shows just how good the DW writers are. Deliberately placing such an ambiguous phrase there... It could mean Rory or the Doctor!

  13. If the Doctor who died was a ganger, it would have melted like the other gangers.

  14. Not if the Ganger had a chance to fully stabilize also the Doctor said the technology wasn't finished yet. Another thought is that the Doctor actually dies. The writers gave themselves 200 years of his life left to work with.

  15. Two hundred years to work with the doctor maybe, but it means matt smith is about to stay a looong time as the doctor ! not that I would complain, I love his acting! I'm pretty sure there is a big twist coming by the end of the season and the doctor ganger is surely part of it. I wonder how Amy will evolve after going trough this ...

  16. I'm sure the doctor will find some way to get out of this one. That's probably why they had Amy tell the doctor (the real one) that he was going to die.

  17. We don't Know who was in the spacesuit. Remember, that after the person in the spacesuit killed the Doctor. They went back in time to the 1960's The little girl got out of the spacesuit in the 1960's. It could just as easily be someone else in the spacesuit or none one. River Song did hint that it could be Automated.


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