Saturday 6 August 2011

Dr who Eleventh doctor quotes The Doctor's Wife

The Doctor: Oh, it's the warning lights! I need to get rid of those, they never stop
Idris: You ever wonder why I chose you all those years ago?
The Doctor: I chose you. You were unlocked.
Idris: Of course I was. I wanted to see the universe so I stole a Time Lord and I ran away. And you were the only one mad enough
Rory: How can we be outside the universe? The universe is everything.
The Doctor: Imagine a great big soap bubble with one of those tiny little bubbles on the outside.
Rory: 'Kay.
The Doctor: Well it's nothing like that.
Rory: What is happening?
The Doctor: We are leaving the universe!
Amy: How can you leave the universe?
The Doctor: With enormous difficulty
Idris: Thief, thief! You're my thief!
Auntie: She's dangerous, guard yourselves.
Idris: Look at you. Goodbye! No, not goodbye, what's the other one?
Uncle: Watch out, careful, keep back from her. [Idris breaks the kiss, giggles and pulls back] Welcome strangers, lovely, sorry about that.
The Doctor: Why am I a thief? What have I stolen?
Idris: Me, you're going to steal me, you have stolen me, you are stealing me. Oh, tenses are difficult aren't they?
Idris: Biting's excellent. It's like kissing, only there's a winner
The Doctor: I see. This asteroid is sentient.
Auntie: We walk on his back, breathe his air, eat his food...
Amy: Smell it's armpits.
House: And do my will.
Amy: You want to be forgiven.
The Doctor: Don't we all?
The Doctor: You gave me hope, and then you took it away. That's enough to make anyone dangerous. God knows what it will do to me.
Basically — RUN!
Amy: What do you need from me?
The Doctor: My screwdriver, I left it in the TARDIS. It's in my jacket.
Rory: You're wearing your jacket.
The Doctor: My other jacket.
Rory: You have two of those?
Rory: Listen. Whatever happens at least we're together. And we're in the TARDIS so we're safe.
Amy: Yeah.
House: You're half right. I mean, you are in the TARDIS. What a great adventure. I should have done this half a million years ago. So, Amy, Rory, why shouldn't I just kill you now?
The Doctor: I don't understand. Who are you?
Idris: Do you really not know me? Just because they put me in here?
The Doctor: They said you were dangerous.
Idris: Not the cage, stupid. In here. They put me in here. I'm the... oh, what do you call me? We travel. I go...
The Doctor: The TARDIS?
Idris: Time and Relative Dimension in Space. Yes, that's it. Names are funny. It's me. I'm the TARDIS.
The Doctor: No, you're not. You're a bitey mad lady. The TARDIS is... up and down, it's a big blue box.
Idris: Yes, that's me. A Type 40 TARDIS. I was already a museum piece when you were young. And the first time you touched my console...
The Doctor:I said you were the most beautiful thing I'd ever known.
Idris: Then you stole me. And I stole you.
The Doctor: I borrowed you.
Idris: "Borrowing" implies you eventually planned to return the thing that was taken. What makes you think I would ever give you back?
The Doctor: You're the TARDIS.
Idris: Yes.
The Doctor: My TARDIS.
Idris: My Doctor. Oh, we have now reached the point in the conversation where you open the lock
Idris: You're like a nine year old trying to rebuild a motorbike in his bedroom. And you never read the instructions.
The Doctor: I always read the instructions!
Idris: There's a sign on my front door. You have been walking past it for 700 years. What does it say?
The Doctor: That's not instructions.
Idris: There's an instruction at the bottom. What does it say?
The Doctor: "Pull to open".
Idris: Yes, and what do you do?
The Doctor: I push!
The Doctor: It's a TARDIS junkyard. Come on. Oh, sorry. Do you have a name?
Idris: Seven hundred years and finally he asks.
The Doctor: What do I call you?
Idris: What you call me? Sexy?
The Doctor: Only when we're alone.
Idris: We are alone.
The Doctor: Oh. Come on then, Sexy.
The Doctor: You didn't always take me where I wanted to go.
Idris: No, but I always took you where you needed to go.
House: Fear me, I've killed hundreds of Time Lords.
The Doctor: Fear me. I killed all of them.
Idris: You're like a nine-year-old trying to rebuild a motorbike in his bedroom. And you never read the instructions.
The Doctor: I always read the instructions!
Idris: There's a sign on my front door. You have been walking past it for seven hundred years. What does it say?
The Doctor: That's not instructions.
Idris: There's an instruction at the bottom. What does it say?
The Doctor: "Pull to open."
Idris: Yes, and what do you do?
The Doctor: I push!
Idris: Every single time. Seven hundred years, police box doors open out the way.
The Doctor: I think I have earned the right to open my front doors any way I want.
Idris: Your front doors? Do you have any idea how childish that sounds?
The Doctor: Uh, Amy, this is, well, she's my TARDIS. Except she's a woman. She's a woman and she's a TARDIS.
Amy: She's the TARDIS?
The Doctor: And she's a woman. She's a woman and she's a TARDIS.
Amy: Did you wish really hard?
The Doctor: Shut up, not like that.
Idris: Hello. I'm... Sexy.
The Doctor: Oh, still shut up
The Doctor: The House deleted all the bedrooms. I should probably make you two a bedroom. You'd like that, won't you?
Amy: Okay... um... Doctor... this time could we lose the bunk bed?
The Doctor: No, bunk beds are cool. A bed with a ladder! You can't beat that.
The Doctor: Yeah. You're right, you've completely won. Oh, you can kill us in oodles of really inventive ways. But before you do kill us, allow me and my friends, Amy and Rory, to congratulate you on being an absolutely worthy opponent.
Amy: Congratulations.
The Doctor: Yep, you've defeated us. Me, my lovely friends here and last, but definitely not least, the TARDIS matrix herself. A living consciousness you ripped out of this very control room and locked up into a human body, and look at her.
Rory: Doctor, she's stopped breathing.
House: Enough! That is enough.
The Doctor: No, it's never enough. You forced the TARDIS into a body so she'd burn out safely a very long way away from this control room. A flesh body can't hold the TARDIS matrix and live. Look at her body, House.
House: And you think I should mourn her?
The Doctor: No. I think you should be very, very careful about what you let back into this control room. You took her from her home, but now she's back in the box again. And she's free.
Idris: I've been looking for a word. A big, complicated word but so sad. I've found it now.
The Doctor: What word?
Idris: Alive. Alive. I'm alive.
The Doctor: Alive isn't sad.
Idris: It's sad when it's over.

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