Saturday 26 November 2011


MV5BMTMwOTU2NDIyM15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzM0NzQyMQ@@__V1__SY317_CR3,0,214,317_The First of four spy spoof movies starring Dean Martin as secret agent Matt Helm, he is coaxed out of semi-retirement by an attractive ex-partner. It seems that the evil Big O organization has a nefarious plan called "Operation: Fallout." If this plan comes to fruition, Big O will explode an atomic bomb over Alamogordo, NM, and start WWIII. Only Matt Helm working for I.C.E can stop them. Stella Stevens, Daliah Lavi, Victor Buono and James Gregory  and Beverly Adams as Lovey Kravezit co-star.

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