Monday 11 October 2010

Dr who ninth doctor quotes Dalek

The Doctor: Oh, look at you! 
Rose: What is it?
The Doctor: An old friend of mine. Well, enemy. The stuff of nightmares reduced to an exhibit. I'm getting old.
Van Statten: You, English, look after the girl. Go and... canoodle or spoon or whatever it is you British people do. And you, Doctor-with-no-name, come and see my pet.
The Doctor: Look, I'm sorry about this. Mr Van Staten might think he's clever, but never mind him. I've come to help; I'm the Doctor.
"Metaltron": Doc... tor?
The Doctor:  Impossible!
"Metaltron": [angrily] The Doctor?!
Dalek: Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!
The Doctor:  Let me out!
Dalek: You are an enemy of the Daleks! You must be destroyed! 
The Doctor:It's not working!  Fantastic! Oh, fantastic! Powerless! Look at you. The great space dustbin - how does it feel?
Dalek: Keep back!
The Doctor: What for? What are you gonna to do to me?! If you can't kill, then what are you good for, Dalek? What's the point of you?! You're nothing! What the hell are you here for?
Dalek: I am waiting for orders.
The Doctor: What does that mean?
Dalek: I am a soldier. I was bred to receive orders.
The Doctor: Well, you're never gonna get any. Not ever.
Dalek: I demand orders!
The Doctor: They're never gonna come! Your race is dead! You all burned, all of you! Ten million ships on fire; the entire Dalek race wiped out in one second!
Dalek: YOU LIE!
The Doctor: I watched it happen! I MADE IT HAPPEN!
Dalek: You destroyed us?!
The Doctor:  I had no choice.
Dalek: And what of the Time Lords?
The Doctor: Dead. They burned with you. The end of the last Great Time War... everybody lost.
Dalek: Genetic material extrapolated! INITIATE CELLULAR RECONSTRUCTION!
Simmons: What're you going to do? Sucker me to death? 
Von Statten: I thought you were the great expert, Doctor. If you're so impressive, then why not just reason with this Dalek? It must be willing to negotiate; there must be something it needs, everything needs something!
The Doctor: What's the nearest town?
Von Statten: Salt Lake City.
The Doctor: Population?
Von Statten: One million.
The Doctor: All dead. If the Dalek gets out, it'll murder every living creature; that's all it wants!
Von Statten: But why would it do that!?
The Doctor: Because it honestly believes they should die. Human beings are different, and anything different is wrong. It's the ultimate in racial cleansing, and you, Van Staten, you've let it loose!
Dalek: I shall speak only to the Doctor.
The Doctor:  You're gonna get rusty.
Dalek: I fed off the DNA of Rose Tyler. Extrapolating the biomass of a time traveller regenerated me.
The Doctor: What's your next trick?
Dalek: I have been searching for the Daleks.
The Doctor: Yeah, I saw. Downloading the Internet. What did you find?
Dalek: I scanned your satellites and radio telescopes.
The Doctor: And?
The Doctor: You're just a soldier without commands.
Dalek: Then I shall follow the Primary Order. The Dalek instinct to destroy, to conquer!
The Doctor:What for!? What's the point!? Don't you see it's all gone!? Everything you were, everything you stood for.
Dalek:Then what should I do?
The Doctor: Alright, then. If you want orders, follow this one. Kill yourself.
Dalek: The Daleks must survive!
The Doctor: The Daleks have failed! Now why don't you finish the job, and make the Daleks extinct?! Rid the universe of your filth! Why don't you just die?!
Dalek:You would make a good Dalek.
The Doctor: Broken. Broken. Hair dryer...Oh, yes! Lock and load!
Dalek: Why do we survive?
The Doctor: I don't know.
Dalek: I am the last of the Daleks.
The Doctor: You're not even that. Rose did more than regenerate you: you've absorbed her DNA. You're mutating.
Dalek: Into what!?
The Doctor: Something new. I'm sorry.
Rose: But isn't that better?
The Doctor: Not for a Dalek.
Dalek: I can many much darkness. Rose, give me orders. Order die.
Rose: I can't do that.
Dalek: This is not life. This is sickness! I shall not be like you! Order my destruction! Obey! Obey! OBEY!
Rose:Do it.
Dalek: Are you... frightened, Rose Tyler?
Rose: Yes.
Dalek: So am I. Exterminate.

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