Sunday 10 October 2010

dr who ninth doctor quotes World War Three

The Doctor: I think you'll find the Prime Minister is an alien in disguise, and That’s never gonna work, is it?
Policeman: Nope.
The Doctor: Fair enough. 
The Doctor: Ah, well, now, you see, uh, the thing is, if I was you, if I was gonna, uh, execute someone by backing them against the wall, between you and me, A little word of advice, don't stand him against the lift! 
The Doctor: Who the hell are you?!
Harriet Jones: Harriet Jones, MP for Flydale North.
The Doctor: Nice to meet you.
Harriet Jones: Likewise.
The Doctor: Installed in 1991. Three inches of steel lining every single wall. They'll never get in. 
Rose: And how do we get out?
The Doctor: Ah. 
Harriet Jones: When they fart, if you'll pardon the word, it doesn't smell like a fart, pardon the word, it's like something else. What is it? It's more like um...
Rose: Bad breath!
Harriet Jones: That's it!
The Doctor: Calcium decay! Now that narrows it down! Calcium phosphate. Organic calcium—living calcium—creatures made out of living calcium, what else? What else? Hyphenated surname! YES! That narrows it down to one planet: Raxacoricofallapatorius!
Mickey Smith: Oh yeah, great. We can write 'em a letter!
Harriet Jones: Except it's not your decision, Doctor. It's mine.
Jackie Tyler: And who the hell are you?
Harriet Jones: Harriet Jones, MP for Flydale North. The only elected representative in this room, chosen by the people for the people. And on behalf of the people, I command you: do it.
Rose:  Um... my mother's cooking.
The Doctor: Good, put her on a slow heat and let her simmer.
Rose: She's cooking tea. For us.
The Doctor: I don't do that.
Rose: She wants to get to know you.
The Doctor: Tough. I've got better things to do.
Rose: She's my mother.
The Doctor: She's not mine.
Rose: That's not fair!
The Doctor: Well, you can stay there if you want! But right now there's this plasma storm brewing in the Horsehead Nebula. Fires are burning ten million miles wide! I could fly the TARDIS right into the heart of it and ride the shockwave all the way out. Hurtled right across the sky and end up anywhere! Your choice. 
Mickey Smith: I just went down the shop. And - and I was thinking, you know, like the whole world's changed. Aliens and spaceships all in public. And here it is. How can they— how can they do that? They saw it!
The Doctor: They're just not ready. You're happy to believe in something if it's invisible but if it's staring you in the face nope, can't see it! There's a scientific explanation for that: you're thick!
Mickey Smith: We're just idiots.
The Doctor: Well, not all of you.
Mickey Smith:  Yeah?
The Doctor: Present for you, Mickey.  That's a virus, put it online, it'll destroy every mention of me, I'll cease to exist!
Mickey Smith: What you wanna do that for?
The Doctor: Cause you're right: I am dangerous, I don't want anyone following me.
Mickey Smith: How can you say that and then take her with you?
The Doctor: You could look after her. Come with us.
Mickey Smith: I can't... this life of yours, it's just too much, I couldn't do it. Don't tell her I said that.
The Doctor: Got enough stuff?
Rose:  First time I stepped in there, it was spur of the moment. Now I'm signing up, you're stuck with me!  Come with us, there's plenty of room!
The Doctor: No chance, he's a liability, I'm not having him on board!
Rose: We'd be dead without 'im!
The Doctor: My decision is final.

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