Thursday 11 November 2010

Colin Baker: Second Thoughts

Released today -  11 November 2010

Price: £9.99

Genial, well-spoken, charming – a man you can't help but like. Join him as he dons his multi-coloured coat of justice, and tilts relentlessly at the giants of social malfeasance, moral iniquity, and soulless hypermarkets.
Take a glimpse into his life as a father, actor, school governor and columnist, as he takes you on a tour of some of his best 'Bucks Free Press' columns to date; from pantomime and mobile phone providers to nanny-states and poppy appeals. A lone voice of sanity in a world gone mad with call-centre menus, outsourced service provision and pointless vandalism, he will help you see the funny side of living in our world; today, yesterday, and tomorrow
Second Thoughts is the second beguiling collection of Colin Baker's newspaper columns, and will definitely leave you wanting more.


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