Friday 17 December 2010

What Will The Guys And Gals Say At Christmas

5 Things That Male Fans Will Say Whilst
Doctor Who Is On At Christmas

• “Karen Gillan’s got too many clothes on”
• “Put that whiskey down boy, you’re only 5.
Have some rum instead”
• “No, I’m not pulling a cracker, piss off, I’m
watching the telly”
• “Katherine Jenkins has got a nice chest
• “That episode was shit”

5 Things That Female Fans Will Say
Whilst Doctor Who Is On At Christmas

• “Karen Gillan hasn’t got enough clothes
on, she must be freezing”
• “If you give him any more alcohol, you’re
sleeping in the shed”
• “Oooh Matt’s looking a bit Yummerific”
• “Katherine Jenkins has got a nice chest
(singing voice)”
• “That Episode wasn’t as good as The
Runaway Bride”

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