Sunday 16 January 2011

Torchwood Miracle day - Russell T Davies

A couple of years ago, the sci-fi-flavored show, which follows a secretive team that battles threats to Earth, abandoned the monster-of-the-week structure that it had used in its first two seasons. In 2008's 'Torchwood: Children of Earth,' creator Russell T Davies abandoned that format to tell a morally complicated story that spanned five tightly linked episodes.

'Children of Earth' was a critical and commercial success in both the U.S. and U.K., and Davies said in a recent interview in Los Angeles that using a highly serialized format had been a creative breakthrough for 'Torchwood,' which had begun life as a 'Doctor Who' spinoff.

In the 'Torchwood's' first two seasons, which featured mostly standalone episodes and an array of one-off villains, "we were always upstaging ourselves by the fact that 'Doctor Who,' [which Davies had revived in 2005] did that on a much bigger scale, and that's why 'Torchwood' struggled sometimes."

See more at - Tvsquard

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