Sunday 16 January 2011

Torchwood quotes A Day in the Death

Owen:  My name is Doctor Owen Harper, and this is my life. A life that is full of action. And violence. And work and wonder. Secrets. And sex. And love. And heartbreak. Death. My death. The death I survived. The death I'm now living through. Except.... this isn't living. Every day is the same. I get up. Get ready for work. Same as everyone else. The thing is, I'm not the same. I get to work and everyone is doing the same old thing. Babbling away about aliens, weddings. I'm not real. Three days ago I died. And they think I'm fine. But they're wrong.
Owen: You were watching?
Jack: Skinny guy in tight jeans runs into water? I was taking pictures!
Ianto: I always loved Tintin.
Owen: Yeah, well you would, wouldn't you? And he never had a girlfriend, did he? Just the dog, so I reckon he was actually shagging the dog 
Gwen: Meanwhile, back at Torchwood...

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