Friday 4 February 2011

Sarah jane adventures quotes The Day of the Clown

Gita Chandra: Do you save the world every day, or is it just on Mondays?
Luke: Coulrophobia is the fear of clowns. Johnny Depp has it.
Clyde: What encyclopaedia did you learn that from, then?
Luke: Heat.
Clyde: This place doesn't just take the biscuit, it takes the whole biscuit tin.
Spellman: The fear of a mother for her young, the strongest fear of all.
Sarah Jane: You better believe it!
Sarah Jane: Rani, there is a time and a place for an interview, and being chased by a clown from outer space is definitely not it!
Sarah Jane: I'm going to offer you a choice, Rani. Cross over the road, go back to your parents and the life you lived before you moved here, and nothing will have changed. Or you can come with me. If you do that – nothing will ever be the same again.
Rani: I thought you were a journalist?
Sarah Jane: I am.
Rani: With alien gizmos in her attic? Who doesn't bat an eyelid at a shape-changing alien clown pied piper thing?
Sarah Jane: That's more of a hobby.
Sarah Jane: When it comes to getting a true glimpse of the universe there are two types of people: those who refuse to believe, that would tell themselves anything to deny the evidence of their eyes, and those that embrace the universe and just how special life is. I want it to stay that way by keeping it safe and secret.
Rani: And that's me?
Sarah Jane: That's all of us.
Clyde: Look at me with my new headteacher cooking me tea! The universe really is a surprising place.

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