Saturday 12 March 2011

Celebrating the Series: The Lodger

The Lodger proved a popular episode with people loving the Doctor's attempts to blend in...

Nikolai said, 'The Lodger was an amazing episode, showing the Doctor at his best. It was hilarious seeing him trying to fit into a human society (and failing!)' and Aditi told us, '...out of all of the episodes The Lodger was my favourite, because it was hilarious watching the Doctor try to be a normal bloke.' John agreed, 'I thought it was very funny with the Doctor trying to be human and normal. The best moment was the Doctor trying to save Craig with a tooth brush and wearing nothing but a towel. It just shows how alien the Doctor really is.'

Katie wrote, 'The Lodger was quite possibly the best episode of the season. I loved seeing the Doctor trying to be normal (and failing epically!) I couldn't stop laughing, seeing the Doctor play soccer (or 'football' as you call it)... I'm glad that Craig is returning for Season 6, and I hope the new episode will be as funny as The Lodger.'

The football scene was also a favourite with many people including Liam, Mike and Amy who wrote, 'My fave moment had to be the footie match in The Lodger because being a footie fan its good to see something like that in my fave programme.'

James Corden had a lot of fans and Gabrielle summed up the feelings of many: 'Got to be one of my favourite episodes since the new seasons started. Absolutely brilliant and I'm delighted James Corden will be coming back!!'

Liz told us, 'One of the episodes that really stood out for me was The Lodger. I felt that this revealed more of the Doctor than we've ever seen before. Completely out of his comfort zone and having to live time in the right order... His hilarious nonsensical speeches and the way his full character comes across in this episode makes it one of my absolute favourites!'

Trevor contacted us to say, 'The Lodger was a lovely story with the alien business almost feeling unimportant next to the serious business of Craig and Sophie's hopelessness at realising they are made for each other!'

And whilst we're on the subject of Sophie, we're giving the final word today to Amie and Ashleigh who told us, '... it was brilliant how the Doctor attempted to appear human, but really struggled. The way he spoke to Sophie in that episode about ambitions really inspired us to aim for our dreams!'

Source - BBC Dr who

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