Saturday 12 March 2011

Dr who quotes Daleks The stolen earth and Journeys end

First Dalek: Dalek Fleet in battle formation.
Second Dalek: All systems locked and primed.
Third Dalek: Crucible at 90 percent efficiency.
Fourth Dalek: The human harvest will commence!
Dalek: Supreme Dalek on the bridge!
Supreme Dalek: Soon the Crucible will be complete. We have waited long for this ultimate destiny! Now the Daleks are the masters of Earth!
Multitude of Daleks: Daleks are the masters of Earth! Daleks are the masters of Earth!
Daleks: UNIT forces will be exterminated! Annihilate UNIT! EXTERMINATE!
Davros:  Supreme Dalek, is there news?
Supreme Dalek: Earth has been subjugated!
Davros: I mean, is there news of him?
Supreme Dalek: Negative. No reports of Time Lord. We are beyond the Doctor's reach.
Davros: Fascinating. If I had not elevated you beyond crude emotions, I could almost mistake that tone for one of victory. Beware your pride!
Supreme Dalek: The Doctor cannot stop us!
Davros: And yet, Dalek Caan is uneasy.
Supreme Dalek: The Abomination is insane!
Davros: Show respect! Without Dalek Caan, none of this would be possible, and he speaks only the truth...
Dalek Caan: He is coming. The threefold man, he dances in the lonely places. O Creator of us all, The Doctor is coming! 
Dalek Caan: He is here. The Dark Lord is come.
Dalek Caan: I flew into the wild and fire! I danced and died a thousand times!
Dalek: Halt! You will come with me!
Wilfred Mott: Will I heck! 
Dalek:My vision is not impaired!
Dalek: Hostility will not be tolerated! Exterminate! Exterminate!
Davros: The Children of Time are moving against us, but everything is falling into place.
Davros: Welcome - Doctor - To my new empire.
Dalek: The Daleks reign supreme, all hail the Daleks!
Harriet Jones: Harriet Jones, former Prime Minister.
Dalek: Yes, we know who you are.
Dalek: All humans will leave their homes. The male, the female, the descendants.
Man: Where are you taking us?
Dalek: Daleks do not answer human questions. Stand in line.
Supreme Dalek: Emergency! Locate the TARDIS! Find the Doctor!
Davros: He will go to the Earth, to find his precious human allies!
Dalek Caan: And death is coming. Oh, I can SEE it! Everlasting death for the most-faithful companion
Supreme Dalek:Behold, Doctor! Behold the might of the true Dalek race!
Supreme Dalek:Take them to the Vault. They are the playthings of Davros now.
Davros:Activate the holding cells.Excellent! Even when powerless, a Time Lord is best contained.
The Doctor:Still scared of me?
Davros: It is time we talked, Doctor, after so very long.
The Doctor: No, no, no, no, no, we're not doing the nostalgia tour; I wanna know what's happening right here, right now! Cos the Supreme Dalek said "Vault", as in dungeon, cellar,'re not in charge of the Daleks, are you? They've got you locked away down here in the basement like the basement like a what? Servant? Slave? Court jester?
Davros: We arrangement.
The Doctor:No, no, no, no, no! I've got the word; you're the Daleks' pet!
Davros: So very full of fire, is he not!? And to think, you crossed entire universes, striding paralell to paralell to find him again!
The Doctor: Leave her alone!
Davros:  She is mine, Doctor, to do with as I please!
Rose: Then why am I still alive?
Davros: You must be here; it was foretold. Even the Supreme Dalek would not dare to contradict the prophecies of Dalek Caan! 
Dalek Caan: So cold and is coming; the endless flames!
Rose: What is that thing?
The Doctor: You've met before. The last of the Cult of Skaro. But it flew into the Time War, unprotected.
Davros: Caan did more than that; he saw Time! Its infinite complexity and majesty raging through his mind, and...he saw you. Both of you.
Dalek Caan: This I have forseen, in the wild and the wind; the Doctor will be here as witness at the end of everything. The Doctor and his precious Children of Time! And one of them will die!
The Doctor:Was it you, Caan!? Did you kill Donna!? Why did the TARDIS door close!? TELL ME!
Davros: Oh, that's it! The anger! The fire! The rage of a Time Lord...WHO BUTCHERED MILLIONS! There he is...why so shy? Show your companion. Show her your true self! Dalek Caan has promised me that too!
Dalek Caan: I have seen, at the time of ending, the Doctor's soul will be revealed!
The Doctor: What does that mean?
Davros: We will discover it together. Our final journey, because the ending approaches; the testing begins.
The Doctor: Testing of what?
Davros: The Reality Bomb.
Davros: Behold, the apotheosis of my genius!
Davros: This is my ultimate victory, Doctor. The destruction of reality itself!
Squad of Daleks: Exterminieren! Exterminieren! Halt! Sonst werden wir sie Exterminieren! Sie sind jetzt ein Gefangener der Daleks!
Supreme Dalek: Prepare for universal detonation! The Fleet will gather at the Crucible! All Daleks will return to shelter from the cataclysm! We will become the only lifeforms IN EXISTENCE!
Davros: The Doctor, the man who keeps running, never looking back because he dare not...out of shame! This is my final victory, Doctor: I have shown you yourself!
Davros: Stand witness, Time Lord; Stand witness, humans: Your strategies have failed, your weapons are useless, and... oh, the end of the universe has come!
Davros: I was wrong about your warriors, Doctor. They are pathetic!
Davros: But you promised me, Dalek Caan! Why did you not foresee this!?
The Doctor: Oh I think he did. Something's been manipulating the timelines for ages, getting Donna Noble to the right place at the right time!
Dalek Caan: This would always have happened. I only helped, Doctor!
Davros: You betrayed the Daleks?!
Dalek Caan: I saw the Daleks! What we have done throughout time and space! I saw the truth of us, Creator, and I decreed "No more!"
Supreme Dalek: I will descend to the Vault!
Jack Harkness: HEADS UP!
Supreme Dalek: Davros, you have betrayed us!
Supreme Dalek: The Vault will be purged! You will all be EXTERMINATED!
The Doctor: Davros, come with me! I promise I can save you!
Davros: Never forget, Doctor: YOU DID THIS! I name you, forever: YOU are the Destroyer of Worlds! 
Dalek Caan: One will still die.

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