Friday 11 March 2011

Dr who quotes Daleks Daleks in Manhattan and Evolution of the Daleks

Dalek Caan: I have been summoned! Explain! EXPLAIN!
Dalek Caan:This day is ending, humankind is weak, you shelter from the darkness and yet you have built all this.
Dalek Caan: My planet is gone... Destroyed in a great war. Yet versions of this city stand throughout history. The Human race always continues.
Dalek Caan: You have rare ambition.
Dalek Caan: You think like a Dalek.
Dalek Sec: This human is our best option. Bring him to me!
Dalek Caan: Your loyalty will be rewarded. Come with me.
Dalek Sec: Prepare the laboratory. The Final Experiment will begin.
Dalek Thay and Dalek Jast: We obey!
Mr Diagras: So, where we going?
Dalek Caan: You have been summoned by our leader.
Mr Diagras: 'Bout time too.
Mr Diagras: I take it you're in charge.
Dalek Sec: Correct. I am Dalek Sec, leader of the Cult of Skaro.
Dalek Sec: Cease talking! ... I said, CEASE! Slaves, secure the human.
Dalek Sec: This is the final experiment.
Dalek Sec: The pig slaves are primitive. The final experiment is greater by far.
Dalek Sec: We need your flesh. Bring him to me!
Dalek Thay: Halt! This action contradicts the Dalek imperative.
Dalek Jast: Daleks are supreme, Humans are weak.
Dalek Sec: But there are millions of humans and only four of us. If we are supreme, why are we not victorious? The Cult of Skaro was created by the Emperor for this very purpose; to imagine new ways of survival!
Dalek Thay: But we must remain pure!
Dalek Sec: No, Dalek Thay. Our purity has brought us to extinction! We must adapt to survive. You have all made sacrifices, and now I will sacrifice myself... for the greater cause... for the future of Dalek-Kind. Now, bring me the human!
Dalek Sec: Behold the true Dalek form. Now, join with me!
Dalek Thay: Stop the process! Dalek Sec is failing.
Dalek Sec:No! The experiment must continue. Administer the solution! We must evolve. Evolve! EVOLVE!
Dalek Caan: Silence! Silence! You will form a line. Move. Move!
Dalek Caan: The female is wise; obey!
Dalek Thay: Report!
Dalek Caan: These are strong specimens. They will help the Dalek cause. What is the status of the Final Experiment?
Dalek Thay: The Dalekanium is in place. The energy conductor is now complete.
Dalek Caan: Then I will extract prisoners for selection. Intelligence scan initiate... reading brainwaves... low intelligence.
Martha: You can't experiment on people, it's insane, it's inhuman!
Dalek Caan: We are not human.
Dalek Caan: Report.
Dalek Jast: Dalek Sec is entering the final stage of evolution.
Dalek Caan: Scan him. Prepare for birth.
Dalek Caan: You will bear witness. This is the dawn of a new age. We are the only four Daleks in existence. So the species must evolve; a life outside the shell. The children of Skaro must walk again!
Hybrid Sec : human.......Dalek! future!
Hybrid Sec: These humans will become like me. Prepare them for hybridisation.
Hybrid Sec: I am Dalek in Human form!
Hybrid Sec: I... feel... humanity. I feel everything we wanted from mankind, which is... ambition, hatred, aggression and war... such a genius for war.
The Doctor: No. That's not what humanity means-
Hybrid Sec: I think it does! At heart this species is so very... Dalek!
Dalek Thay: Protect the Hybrid!
Dalek Caan: Report status.
Hybrid Sec: Pain... pain of the flesh. Like no Dalek has felt for thousands of years.
Dalek Caan: The Doctor has escaped.
Hybrid Sec: Then Find Him! Find Him!!
Dalek Jast: They have ascended 
Dalek Caan: Return to base. Request information: What is your opinion of Dalek Sec?
Dalek Jast: We were created to follow him.
Dalek Caan: But you have doubts?
Dalek Jast: Affirmative.
Dalek Caan: I will be the destroyer of our greatest enemy!
Hybrid Sec: Is there a malfunction?
Hybrid Sec: Answer me!
The Doctor: They're hijacking the system!
Dalek Jast: THE DOCTOR will STEP AWAY from the controls!
Hybrid Sec: STOP! You will not fire!
Dalek Caan: He is an enemy of the Daleks - and so are you! 
Hybrid Sec: I am your commander! I am Dalek Sec!
Dalek Caan: You have lost your authority!
Dalek Jast: You are no longer a Dalek.
Dalek Thay: The new bodies will be 100% Dalek!
Hybrid Sec: You can't do this!
Dalek Jast: Pig Slaves, restrain Dalek Sec and the Doctor.
Hybrid Sec: Release me! I created you! I am your master!
Dalek Caan: Solar Flare approaching! Prepare to intercept!
Dalek Thay: Gamma Strike Four Minutes And Counting!
Hybrid Sec: You... have... betrayed me!
Dalek Caan: You told us to 'imagine'... and we 'imagined' your irrelevance.
Dalek Caan: The Army Awakes!
Dalek Caan: You will identify.
Dalek-Human: I... am... a Dalek.
Dalek Caan: Excellent!
Dalek Thay: Begin the invasion of Manhattan. The population will be converted into Daleks.
Dalek Jast: And from this island, we will conquer the world!
Dalek Caan: Assume battle positions! Take arms!
Dalek Caan: War demands strategy! I am designated Controller!
Hybrid Sec: That was to be my position!
Dalek Thay: You are unfit.
Dalek Caan: Connect me to the military computer. I will coordinate all units.
Dalek Thay: Report status.
Dalek Caan: Maximum efficiency! I am now ready for full scale war!
Dalek Thay: Control over Dalek Humans?
Dalek Caan: Connection confirmed. All soldiers will take heed. Weapons will be primed.
Dalek Caan: Sonic device detected!
Dalek Thay: The Doctor survived?
Dalek Jast: Find him and exterminate!
Dalek Thay: The Doctor will stand before the Daleks! You will die, Doctor! At the beginning of a new age.
Dalek Jast: Planet Earth will become New Skaro!
The Doctor: And what a world, with anything just the slightest bit different ground into the dirt! That's Dalek Sec! The cleverest Dalek who ever existed and look what you've done to him!
Hybrid Sec: My Daleks, just understand this; if you choose death and destruction, then death and destruction will choose you.
Dalek Thay: Incorrect! We always survive!
Dalek Jast: Now we will destroy our greatest enemy - The Doctor!
Dalek Sec Hybrid: But he can help you!
Dalek Thay: The Doctor must die.
Hybrid Sec: No! I beg you, dont--
Dalek Thay: If they will not obey then they must die! 
Daleks Thay and Jast: EXTERMINATE!
Dalek Caan: Destroy the hybrids! Destroy!
Dalek Caan: The Dalek Humans are failures! Destruct! Destruct! DESTRUCT!
The Doctor: Let me help you... Caan -
Dalek Caan: - Emergency Temporal Shift!

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