Thursday 29 September 2011

Save Doctor Who Confidential

    Life, Doctor Who & Combom    
Save Doctor Who Confidential
September 29, 2011 at 9:00 AM

Since yesterdays announcement, here, there have been developments, all over the Internet, people are fighting back! There is a Facebook group Save Doctor Who Confidential, and a petition, and one at Kasterborous (and there are several others I have found since).

I have a suspicion the BBC are putting the money towards something Whoniverse, after all with the Sarah Jane Adventures ending this year, and no more Torchwood, perhaps we will see a new BBC3 Doctor Who spin off in 2012 (a post watershed Victorian Lesbian Vampire Slayers?).

The only thing that concerns me is there are lots of petitions, and if the BBC figure most people have voted in them all, but in reality they haven't? If Confidential is truly to be saved it needs ONE petition everyone signs, so no split vote - so people, please no more of them, the internet is already saturated!

And you can always mail the BBC complaints department, here, voicing your opinion. Yesterday Skaro did complain to the BBC and received this reply...

Thanks for contacting us regarding 'Doctor Who Confidential' on BBC Three.

I understand you're unhappy the series is coming to an end.

The 'Doctor Who' spin-off series, 'Doctor Who Confidential' has been a great show for BBC Three over the years, but our priority now is to build on original British commissions, unique to the channel. We regularly have to make difficult decisions and unfortunately sometimes they will prove to be unpopular with sections of the audience.

I'd like to assure you the feedback we've received has been registered on our audience log. This is an internal report of audience feedback which we compile daily and is available for viewing by all our staff. This includes all programme makers and commissioning executives, along with our senior management. It ensures that your points, along with all other comments we receive, are circulated and considered across the BBC.

So the chances are their mind is already made up.
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